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How do I make friends with someone?
Easy! Just visit their profile and click the "Friend" icon at the top of the page. Be sure to send them a quick note in the request. Only certified, elite members can send friend requests.
Where do I manage my friends, approve requests and delete?
Click the My Friends link anytime you are in My Home. You can approve new friend requests and delete existing friends (if you really want to).
Can I see if I have mutual friends with someone when I'm looking at their profile?
Of course! You will see text saying "You have friends in common" at the top and bottom of every profile you are looking at. Click that and a list will pop up with all the friends that are shared. Also, you'll see a pulsing heart icon under each member in someone's friends list that is one of your friends too!
Can I write notes on my friends list that are private?
Yes! The notes you write under a friend's name in your friends list is private and only you can see it. This is where you can write their names, experiences or anything else you want. You can add and update notes as often as you wish.
Is it possible to email some or all of my friends?
Simply click the Email Friends link at the bottom of your My Friends page and you can send a note to as many or as few friends as you want.