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Kasidie's' Help & Site User Manual Communities
Communities Communities
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How do I join a community?
Simply click on the Communities tab and then search for groups you are interested in. When you find one, click "Join!" to be added to that community and start receiving updates on your Wall. Some communities are private, which require you to send a request to the founder to be added to the group. Also, many people limit their community membership to certified, elite members, to couples, etc.

How do I resign from a community?
Easy, just go to that community and click on the list of members. Now click "Resign" under your name.

Can anyone start a new community?
Any certified, elite member can start a community. Click Start a Community at the top of the Communities page and you can start your group for any interest you have, then invite others to join you.

What are "secret" communities?
Secret communities are groups that do not display on the Communities pages or on publicly viewable profiles (the only place you see them is on your private My Home page). These are often used to cater to special interests, fetishes, or things that people don't want to publicly associate with their profile, or are simply used by groups that are very exclusive in their membership.

How do I post a new party for my community?
Go to either My Parties (in the SeeMore drop-down menu) or to the Parties page and click to post a new event. One of the options in the event creation page enables you to associate the party with a community you host. Invitations to the event will automatically be sent to every member of your community.

Who can write on the community wall?
Any certified member can write on the community wall; even free (non-elite) members, as long as they are certified. The community founder can delete any posting they find unacceptable.

What's the deal with community photo albums?
These are photo albums you create just for the community; they will not appear on your profile. Albums you create are only editable by the community founder; other community members cannot add or edit photos in your album(s).

Is a community meet-up posting the same thing as a Rendezvous?
Similar, but not the same. Community meet-up's are only posted to the Community page and thus can only be seen by other community members; they do not appear anywhere else on Kasidie. Any certified member can post a meet-up.

How do I build my community membership?
Several ways! First, be sure to write a good description and post an interesting community graphic.

Next, go to your community and click the "Invite more members" link. You can send invitations to people on your friends list, on your party lists, and/or by copying & pasting member names into the box. You can even send invitations to friends who are not on Kasidie.com yet (of course your referral code is included in all links to ensure you get credit!). Send invitations to people who you think would truly be interested in your specific group.

Third, click the "Promote" graphic and use the tools here to print up some group business cards and other materials. Give these away at parties, post them in clubs and other places where interested people can see them.

Now keep it active! Post events, write on the wall, create photo albums and even send periodic newsletters to your community members – the fresher and more dynamic you keep your group, the more engaged and active your members will be.

Can I email my members?
Of course! From your community page, click on your member list, then click the utility to email the members. This is accessible only by the founder and not by members.

How do I manage my community forums?
As the founder you can create and edit top-level categories by clicking the "Add/edit categories" link. You can also lock a category to prevent new topics from being created. If a category is unlocked then any certified community member will be able to create topics, as well as post comments within a topic. The founder has the ability to delete any topic they want.

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