->Unicorn lovers<-

Denver, CO

Welcome! This is a place where single females and couples can meet each other and/or attend events. Or make travel rendezvous together, you know we all love to travel! Looking for like minded people lets chat ! ;)

Single females/couples who are looking for that person to join their Dyad, to make a Triad. A Triad is a Poly relationship where three or four or five people are all in relationship with each other.

Im willing to certify my community members after we have meet, so dont be shy email me! If you know anyone else that wants to join Kasidie let me know, I have a 90 day membership I would love to give them. Please post pics of both or open your bps thanks and let's make magic!

We are always looking for Magical venues to host. So if you have a location or theme in mind.. Email me.

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