Fit Couples

Park City, UT

Fit Couples is about connecting fit couples where BOTH partners are fit. We started this community because every time we meet another fit couple the complaint is always the same "its so hard to find a fit women who is with a fit guy." Our goal with the Fit Couples community is to help fit couples find each other faster rather than searching through hundreds of profiles where you see the main profile picture of a super hot fit women and then you see the guy and he's...not.
Once we get enough members we plan to have events. Imagine a cruise with 350 other fit couples, nobody would ever leave the ship, lol. Once you join, please tell your fit couple friends to join, and hopefully in the not to distant future we will be hosting Fit Couple events. Please only apply if you have pictures of BOTH partners, preferably bathing suit shots, no face or naked pics needed.
Healthy Hugs,
Our community has 33 members
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